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One of your most important business assets.

Your most important Asset for your business – your logo!

Logos are everywhere – scattered on products, cars, Outdoor Billboards, Shop Front, Social Media - absolutely everywhere. Logos influence our behavior and decision making but they also represent a business values and brand and are full of meaning.

The purpose of a logo

The most important aspect of a logo is to identify a product, business or service.

As a designer and business owner prior to working on any design concepts we must understand the environment in which the logo needs to work. We research competitors – how they look, what colours, symbols and traits are already owned by an established competitor. From here we can distinguish what elements and symbols we may be able to include in the design to ensure you stand out from your competitors.

Logo design is strategic!

A logo must visually engage the audience, however we must creatively and strategically create a concept that makes sense to the audience, it must be treated as a strategic business tool that allows your business to be identified within the environment it will be placed.

Here, two factors I ensure work when designing a logo.

  1. Identification: Instant recognition is a must. Your logo must be easily identified in the market ie. your industry.

  2. Logo must look good : this is the second factor – colours, fonts etc.

Your logo and its meaning.

A logo design isn’t going to get you 100 clients in a week, but what it will do is create an identity for your business so your audience can relate and recall that logo to you, when the need for your services or products arises. It distinguishes your from your competitors – just alike your face is your identity – your logo is the face of your business!

Any meaning or association with your logo will take time, and through interaction with your business/services and the consistent recognition of your logo - the meaning of your brand and logo will grow.

Where to from here?

Once you have your logo designed, it’s important to ensure you place your logo on advertising and marketing material, whether it’s business cards, flyers, brochures, signage or your shop front. Your logo must also work with other brand assets such as patterns, textures and colours to ensure you have a cohesive brand identity.


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